Aaardvark's big page of links, drinks, and kitchen sinks!

We VARK AAARDER to make the World Wide Web a sillier place.

Bizarre / silly / surreal / weird / outrageous / funny / etc. sites

Live links

Dead links

These are embedded in the HTML comments for this page

Some members of Aaardvark past and present

These are just members with home-pages. For more of our members, see our Members page

If you are a member of Aaardvark (past or present) and would like your e-mail address and URL included here, then ask us.

NEW!!! Links sponsored by various members of Aaardvark

Here are some links to various non-Aaardvark projects being worked on by members of Aaardvark



Links in honour of certain Aaardvark happenings

Other Aaardvarks on the World Wide Web

And an Aardvark or two just for good measure

Other Silly societies on the World Wide Web

If you know of any other silly societies on the Internet, then please tell us.

And finally... a few links from around York University


If any links are broken or if you have any suggestions for other links to add, then please let us know

Aaardvark — seriously silly.

Last update: Sun 07 Jan 2007
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